Apple in the Enterprise

Technology’s ability to enhance life has inspired me since childhood. Merging the humanities, the personal side of why a piece of technology is necessary, with the latest in what technology can offer me, is what draws me to Apple. Technology doesn’t succeed based on its technical merits alone, it needs to speak to you at a very individual, and personal level. When it does, that’s when the magic happens.

Unfortunately for many, that magic remains at home, on their desks, while they go to work using a platform that is not their preferred choice.

I was on the phone with someone from a prominent Midwest, US-based firm this week who made the oft repeated statement that ‘Macs don’t belong in the enterprise.’ I laughed, mentioning that I am an Apple champion in the enterprise. He immediately followed up by telling me that all his personal computers are now Macs.

I’ve heard this statement over and over again while traveling the globe for the last 15 years. It amazes me what people will put up with because ‘that’s just how it is.’

It’s 2015 and time to stop perpetuating the idea that Macs don’t belong. I disagree with the entire notion.

If you personally prefer the Windows platform and want to use it, great, use it.  If you don’t prefer Windows and want to use an alternate platform, it’s time to raise your voice.

If you’re in IT and have the ability to influence direction, look at the guys at the top of the organization latter.  Many of the CxOs are now using Macs. It’s definitely time to see what you can do to bring their Macs into the fold.

Like many things in life, a little bit of education and effort will uncover all sorts of new opportunities. It’s a lot easier for IT to say Macs don’t belong than to invest in the effort of delivering cross-platform services.

Now, not all companies restrict the freedom of platform choice. Intuit is one of those companies that is enabling their employees.  I have a good friend who works in their IT department.  He has mentioned to me on a number of occasions the IT department will spent 10 to 20 times the investment in man power to save their end users minutes of time – and supporting Macs is one of those initiatives.

While it’s not easy for their IT department, nor is it the cheapest option, it leads to better moral and the ability to attract better talent.

You may be asking how Intuit or other companies out their like Inuit justify the additional spend.  They’re looking at the bigger picture.  Intuit’s goals of platform freedom and the mantra of empowering the end user has had a significant impact on their culture. Just look at where Intuit sits on the Fortune 100 Best Places to Work. (It’s the 31st spot in 2015 in case you don’t want to google it  Better talent and happier employees drive results.

I’ve worked at LANDESK for over seven years, all the while I’ve been using a Mac for my day-to-day use and I’ve loved it. Best part is, I don’t have to be the guy that has all Macs at home but a PC at work because “it doesn’t belong.”

I get that there are hurdles to overcome to support Macs in the enterprise. Often, it’s simply a lack of time to learn, knowledge to know how and the right tools to get the job done.

So, to combat the “Apple-doesn’t-belong”-notion, it’s time I start being a producer and helping others succeed in managing their Macs in the enterprise.  My goal is to provide some tips and tricks to decrease the time to learn and empower those with know how to provide platform freedom. I’ll primarily be focusing on how Macs can be managed using LANDESK Management Suite, but at times I may highlight other tools as needed.

I’m starting now to be the counter-culture advocate: Macs do belong in the enterprise.  No longer will I just laugh at the IT admin who says ‘Macs don’t belong.’